About ISE'23
The Third Brazilian Workshop on Intelligent Software Engineering (ISE'23) will be held in person. ISE'23 is is co-located with the 14th Brazilian Conference on Software (CBSoft 2023).
Aims and Scope
In modern society, software is ubiquitous, being present in almost every aspect of life. However, developing software is costly. Therefore, there is a continuous effort for innovative designs for helping make software more reliable, maintainable, and reduce its development cost. Further, there is an increase of AI-enabled software, bringing new software engineering challenges.
In recent years, Intelligent Software Engineering (ISE) has emerged as a promising means to address these challenges. ISE is ambidextrous, including solutions based on (i) applying Intelligent Techniques to Software Engineering problems, but also on (ii) applying Software Engineering to developing Intelligent Systems.
An Intelligent Technique is defined as a technique that explores data (from digital artifacts or domain experts) for knowledge discovery, reasoning, learning, planning, natural language processing, perception, or supporting decision-making. Examples of Intelligent Techniques are search and optimization (e.g., Genetic Algorithm), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Recommender Systems, Reasoning Under Uncertainty (e.g., Bayesian Networks), Software Analytics, and Decision Analysis. An intelligent system is a system that applies an Intelligent Technique for a given domain, such as a bug prediction, code recommendation, code quality analysis, code refactoring, software testing automation, team formation, requirements analysis, software project management, risk management and continuous integration and deployment.
The goal of ISE’23 is to strengthen the Intelligent Software Engineering community by integrating researchers and professionals from different areas (Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, etc) to discuss and advance the state of the art and practice of ISE, its use, and application in the industry.
Topics that are within the scope of this workshop include (but are not limited to):
- Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering (AI4SE)
- Software Engineering for Artificial Intelligence (SE2AI)
- Big Code
- Software Analytics
- Search-Based Software Engineering
- Data Mining for Software Engineering
- Recommender Systems for Software Engineering
- Machine Learning for Software Engineering (ML4SE)
- Reasoning Under Uncertainty for Software Engineering
- Natural Language Processing for Software Engineering
- Multiple Decision Criteria Analysis for Software Engineering
- Soft Computing for Software Engineering
- Expert Systems for Software Engineering
- Knowledge-Based Systems for Software Engineering
- Semantic Network for Software Engineering
- Data Science for Software Engineering
- Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering
- Ontology for Software Engineering
- Requirements Engineering for Intelligent Systems
- Testing and QA for Intelligent Systems
- Design Patterns for Intelligent Systems
- Architecture for Intelligent Systems
- Software Engineering principles for building or maintaining Intelligent Systems
- DevOps for Intelligent Systems such as Machine Learning-enabled Systems (MLOps)
Submission Guidelines
Paper Format
ISE accepts papers in two formats.
Technical Papers (6 pages)
- ISE accepts papers within the context of Intelligent Software Engineering. Both positive and negative results are welcome, though negative results should still be based on rigorous research and provide details on lessons learned.
Industry papers / Emerging Results (2-4 pages)
- Results, challenges, lessons learned from industrial applications of Intelligent Software Engineering.
- New and inspiring ideas, as well as on ongoing research with preliminary and interesting results on applications of Intelligent Software Engineering.
Instruction for Authors
Papers can be submitted in Portuguese or English. Submission in English is strongly encouraged. The acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of its authors will register at CBSoft 2023 to present it. All submissions must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must comply with the ACM 2-column conference format (ACM_SigConf) available at this link. LaTeX users must use the acmart.cls class provided in the template with the conference format enabled at the document preamble: \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}
Authors must use the ACM-Reference-Format.bst bibliography style also provided in the template: \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}
Submissions must be no longer than the limits defined in the Paper Format section, including all figures and references.
Papers should be electronically submitted through JEMS. Submissions that are not in compliance with the required submission format, are out of the scope of the symposium, or were submitted or published in any other forum (conference or journal) will be rejected without review. All other papers will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee members.
We strongly encourage authors to submit their tools and data to Zenodo, which adheres to FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable) principles and provides DOI versioning.
Double-Blind Submission
ISE’2023 will follow a double-blind review process. All submitted papers should conceal the identity of the authors. Both author names and affiliations must be omitted. In addition, the following rules should be addressed:
- Citations to own related work must be written in the third person. For example, one must write "the previous work of Silva et al." as opposed to "our previous work." As a heuristic, occurrences of "we", "our", "ours", "github", "funding", etc. should be looked in the paper and removed prior to submitting.
- In the submitted paper, any artifact in a repository or website that allows identifying the authorship should not be mentioned. If any artifact needs to be made available, it should be anonymized in the repository/website.
- Reviewers will not be encouraged to look for references that identify the authors in other sources on the Internet. Searches in digital libraries or existing artifacts do not break the double blind policy.
- If the submitted paper is a follow up of a previous work, the reference may be anonymized in the submitted paper. For example, "the previous work of Silva et al." can be adapted to "based on the previous work [X]" and the reference at the end of the paper can be presented as "[X] Anonymous authors. Not presented due to double blind review.".
After the paper acceptance, all the paper information (without anonymization) can be included in the camera-ready version.
Any questions about the preparation of the paper following the double-blind rules can be sent to the Program Committee Chairs.
Organization, Chairs and Important Dates
ISE is a workshop organized and promoted by UFCG, UFLA and Insper, and supported by VIRTUS/UFCG.
- Rafael Serapilha Durelli (UFLA) (rafael.durelli@ufla.br)
- Emanuel Dantas Filho (UFCG/VIRTUS) (emanuel.filho@ifpb.edu.br)
- Danyllo Albuquerque (UFCG/VIRTUS) (danyllo.albuquerque@ifpb.edu.br)
Publicity Chair:
- Mirko Perkusich (mirko@virtus.ufcg.edu.br)
Important Dates:
- Paper Submission: August 07, 2023
- Notification of Acceptance: August 31, 2023
- Camera-Ready: September 10, 2023
- Workshop Date: September 26, 2023

Willian Oizumi
Associate Professor at SENAC/PR - Software Engineering at GoTo
Title: AI for Software Engineering: Pitfalls and Challenges
Description: In this talk, I will share my experience using AI to improve software engineering tasks. During my PhD, I worked on a new technique for refactoring recommendations. Despite the existence of several studies in this field, with creativity and resilience, it was possible to propose and evaluate a novel technique based on search-based software engineering and natural language processing. However, until reaching the final result of the thesis, I faced several challenges and issues. Therefore, in this talk, I would like to share my experience and also hear about the experiences of the audience.
Short Bio: Willian is a software developer at GoTo and a professor at SENAC/PR. Willian holds a master's and doctor's degree in Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO). He also holds a bachelor's degree in Informatics from the State University of Maringá (UEM). Willian has more than 12 years of professional experience, 6 of which were dedicated to teaching at IFPR Paranavaí. As a researcher, Willian conducts research in the area of Software Engineering, focusing on Code Smells and Refactoring.

Yonatha Almeida
Software Engineering at Accenture
Title: AICodeReview - A plugin designed to integrate Artificial Intelligence with Intellij IDEA to support code review activities
Description: This lecture will present the motivation, development, and use of AI Code Review. This tool is a plugin created to integrate ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence to JetBrains IDEs. Its primary purpose is to help the code review process through automated suggestions.
Short Bio: Yonatha Almeida is a software developer at Accenture. He has a degree in Systems Analysis and Development and a postgraduate degree in Software Engineering and Quality at the University Center of João Pessoa (Unipê). Yonatha has over 18 years of professional experience, 10 of which have been in software development. He is interested in researching the area of AI application to solve Software Engineering problems. He loves helping people in their software development careers and motivating them to make a difference.

André Meireles de Andrade
Assistant Professor at Federal University of Ceará
Title: Industry initiatives to re-invent the way to build intelligent applications: RelationalAI
Description: Software development’s traditional lifecycles have shown low efficiency in the development of AI-centered applications. The architecture of such applications has normally the service and the intelligence as two decoupled, however dependent, components with different lifecycles, artifacts, and teams. This has made many companies have tried to tailor traditional software development methods and tools resulting many times in the automation of chaos without solving the core problems. Some initiatives in the industry have risen with the audacious proposal of deeply transforming the manner of building AI apps, this lecture will present one of them called RelationalAI.
Short Bio: André is an assistant professor at the Federal University of Ceará who worked closely with the industry since the beginning of his career. In 13 years, he worked on many R&D projects for big companies and has been focused on software architecture in the last few years. His Ph.D. research investigates software development processes for building AI-centered applications.
Best Paper Award
The ISE/CBSoft Steering Committee will appoint a committee to award the best papers of ISE Technical Papers. Awarded papers will be announced during the ISE/CBSoft. The two best papers will be invited to submit an extended version in English to the Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD).
Program Committee
- Adriano Santos - Ro-Main (Canadá)
- Alexandre Costa - IFPB
- Alfredo Goldman - USP
- Alvaro Sobrinho - UFAPE
- Andressa Bezerra Ferreira - IFCE
- Angelo Perkusich - UFCG
- Claudio Pinhanez - IBM Research
- Dalton Cézane Valadares - IFPE
- Diego Roberto Colombo Dias - UFSJ
- Ednaldo Dilorenzo - IFPB
- Eduardo Felipe Zambom Santana - USP
- Emilia Mendes - Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden)
- Evandro Costa - UFAL
- Everton Guimaraes - Pennsylvania State University (USA)
- Felipe Ramos - IFPB
- Felipe Pontes - EDGE/UFAL
- Guilherme Travassos - COPPE/UFRJ
- Graziela Tonin - INSPER
- Hyggo Almeida - UFCG
- Julierme Silva - IFPB
- Kiev Gama - CIn-UFPE
- Leandro Minku - University of Birmingham (Great Britain)
- Lenardo Silva - UFERSA
- Marcos Gerosa - NAU, USA
- Mauricio Aniche - TU Delft (Netherlands)
- Mauricio Ronny de Almeida - UFLA
- Raul Herbster - Spotify (Sweden)
- Roberto Oliveira - UEG
- Rossana Andrade - UFC
- Tayana Conte - UFAM
- Talles Brito - IFCE
- Vinicius Serapilha Durelli - UFSJ
Workshop Program
Pre-Event Timetable*
- 09:00 - 09:05 - Opening
- 09:05 - 10:00 - Keynote by Willian Oizumi - AI for Software Engineering: Pitfalls and Challenges Session: Accepted Technical Papers Presentation
- 10:00 - 10:20 - "Shedding Light on the Techniques for Building Bayesian Networks in Software Engineering". Thiago Rique, Emanuel Dantas, Danyllo Albuquerque, Mirko Perkusich, Kyller Gorgônio, Hyggo Almeida e Angelo Perkusich.
- 10:20 - 10:40 - "Realizing Refactoring Prediction through Deep Learning". Lucas Rafael Pereira, Dilson Pereira e Rafael Durelli.
- 10:40 - 11:00 - "Preliminary Results of Mapping Capabilities for Agile Software Team Formation". Felipe Cunha, Ramon Santos, Mirko Perkusich, Kyller Gorgonio, Hyggo Almeida, Angelo Perkusich e Danyllo Albuquerque.
- 11:00 - 11:20 - "Qualidade de Software para Engenheiros de IA: Uma Análise da Realidade Brasileira". Lucinara Fernandes, Lidiane Silva, Eder Furtado, Paulo Henrique Maia, Ismayle Sousa Santos e Francisco Oliveira.
- 11:20 - 11:40 - "Machine Learning for the Identification and Classification of Technical Debt Types on StackOverflow Discussions". Eliakim Gama, Mariela Cortés, Mateus Paixão e Adson Damasceno.
- 12:30 - 14:00 - Break
- 14:10 - 15:00 - Keynote by André Meireles - Industry initiatives to re-invent the way to build intelligent applications: RelationalAI Session: Accepted Industry/Emerging Results Papers Presentation
- 15:00 - 15:10 - "Integrating Reinforcement Learning in Software Testing Automation: A Promising Approach". Diogo Lima, Danyllo Albuquerque, Emanuel Dantas, Mirko Perkusich e Angelo Perkusich.
- 15:15 - 15:25 - "An Investigative Survey on Technological Risks in Software Projects". Ademar Sousa Neto, Danyllo Albuquerque, Emanuel Dantas e Luis Lima Santos.
- 15:30 - 15:45 - "Using Machine Learning for Non-Functional Requirements Classification: A Practical Study". Daniel Abella, Danyllo Albuquerque, Mirko Perkusich, Emanuel Dantas e Angelo Perkusich.
- 15:45 - 16:00 - Break
- 16:00 - 16:55 - Keynote by Yonatha Almeida - AICodeReview - A plugin designed to integrate Artificial Intelligence with Intellij IDEA to support code review activities
- 16:55 - 17:10 - Awards and closing
(*) The confirmation of the paper presentation schedule will depend on (i) submitting the final version of the paper and (ii) registering at least one of the authors for the workshop. Consequently, there is a possibility of modifications to this schedule.