

VIRTUS research teams work in many fields of study, involving PhD, MSc, and undergraduate students from UFCG integrated with project teams in cooperation with industry. This synergy allows training people and generating knowledge at the same time, with advances in the state of the art and the practice in many areas, while applying solutions to real world problems and enhancing technological innovation. Research areas at VIRTUS include Internet of Things, Intelligent Software Engineering, Edge Computing, and Connected Health. Access our page on ResearchGate to view our publications.

Research Groups

Future Connected Systems (FCS)

Future Connected System (FCS/VIRTUS) group aims to investigate, experiment, and design protocols, frameworks, and tools for next-generation connected systems, including solutions for the Internet of Things, Edge Computing, and Mobile Networks (B5G). The group is focused on the exploration and integration of methods and techniques, such as Artificial Intelligence and Service Orchestration, in connected systems applied to real scenarios, for instance, Industry 4.0, Connected Health, and Vehicular Networks, among others.

Partner Researchers: Instituto Federal de Pernambuco, Instituto Federal de Alagoas, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Administration: Danilo Santos and Mirko Perkusich
High Efficient Embedded Systems (HEES)

The High-Efficient Embedded Systems (HEES/VIRTUS) group aims to investigate and develop new embedded solutions to deal with the increasing demand for data processing brought by 5G and IoT technologies. Our focus is on using new computing for creating innovative solutions within the context of microelectronics and Hardware-Software Co-design, to improve embedded systems efficiency. The solutions involve real application scenarios such as machine learning, computer vision, 5G, and vehicular networks.

Partner Researchers: Instituto Federal da Paraíba
Administration: Gutemberg Gonçalves dos Santos Júnior
Intelligent Software Engineering (ISE)

Intelligent Software Engineering (ISE/VIRTUS) group aims to investigate, validate, and create techniques, methods, and tools for improving quality and productivity in the Software Engineering process using intelligent approaches, including Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, Big Data, among others. The group is focused on solving real problems with experimental validation in real projects executed at VIRTUS.

Partner Researchers: Instituto Federal da Paraíba, Penn State University, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Delft University of Technology.
Administration: Danilo Santos and Mirko Perkusich