EMBRAPII (Brazilian Company for Industrial Research and Innovation) has been accredited by The Brazilian Government to coordinate the Hardware BR Program. In this context, EMBRAPII has created a new operation model called EMBRAPII Competence Centers, which combine actions related to Promoting RDI Competence, Human Resource Training for RDI, Technology Association, and Startup Building and Attraction.

VIRTUS has been accredited in 2023 as “EMBRAPII VIRTUS COMPETENCE CENTER – Intelligent Hardware for Industry“ (VIRTUS-CC). The goal is to promote VIRTUS competences in Intelligent Sensing for industry, as well as develop new competencies to deal with industrial challenges, stimulating cooperation with industrial companies, and acting as public policy initiative to guide and promote solutions within strategic areas. In this area, VIRTUS-CC works on the following technology layers: Physical Components; Connectivity Components; Infrastructure for Application; Information and Communication security.

Research, Development and Innovation

Promoting scientific and technology competencies for Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities involves acquiring knowledge and new findings in the context of VIRTUS-CC area, focusing on increasing the availability of human resources with expertise in Intelligent Sensing for Industry. 

These activities integrate PhD, MSc and undergraduate students and professionals, based on RDI projects within the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry.

Research, Development and Innovation

Promoting scientific and technology competencies for Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities involves acquiring knowledge and new findings in the context of VIRTUS-CC area, focusing on increasing the availability of human resources with expertise in Intelligent Sensing for Industry. 

These activities integrate PhD, MSc and undergraduate students and professionais, based on RDI projects within the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry.


We promote the training of professionals and researchers, mainly for Association Technology companies. This action spreads the knowledge acquired from RDI projects, involving the findings and technologies used in those projects.

The training program involves students and professionals from all Brazilian regions, aiming to spread knowledge and increase the potential for generating new research, products and businesses in the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry in Brazil.


We promote the training of professionals and researchers, mainly for Association Technology companies. This action spreads the knowledge acquired from RDI projects, involving the findings and technologies used in those projects.

The training program involves students and professionals from all Brazilian regions, aiming at spreading the knowledge, increasing the potential for generating new research, products and businesses in the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry in Brazil.

Technology Association

Association of companies that invest financial resources and receive benefits from VIRTUS-CC. This is a way to keep the industrial sector close to the RDI decisions, promoting strong alignment between academy and market demand in the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry.  

Technology Association

Association of companies that invest financial resources and receive benefits from VIRTUS-CC. This is a way to keep the industrial sector close to the RDI decisions, promoting strong alignment between academy and market demand in the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry.  

Startup Building and Attraction

We stimulate the participation of startups in the VIRTUS-CC activities, aiming to support them in the developing new innovative products and processes in the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry, based on the projects developed at VIRTUS-CC.

We promote an Open Innovation EMBRAPII, managed by VIRTUS-CC, bringing together startups, big companies, investment funds, accelerators,  and other innovation actors to increase the potential to lead new products to the market.

Startup Building and Attraction

We stimulate the participation of startups in the VIRTUS-CC activities, aiming at supporting them in the development of new innovative products and processes in the area of Intelligent Sensing for Industry, based on the projects developed at VIRTUS-CC.

We promote an Open Innovation EMBRAPII, managed by VIRTUS-CC, bringing together startups, big companies, investment funds, accelerators,  and other innovation actors to increase the potential to lead new products to the market.

intelligent Hardware for industry - technology layers


Electrical and mechanical functional parts, processors, local storage devices, controllers, sensors, actuators, data storage structures, embedded software,  and integrated operating systems, among others.

Connectivity Components

All data communication devices used to enable connections between Physical  Components and the Infrastructure for Applications.

Infrastructure for

Integration of the several hardware devices and software, running remotely or in the same environment of physical components, to store and process data collected and execute autonomous actions.

Information and Communication Security

Technologies used to guarantee privacy and trustworthiness for sending, processing and storing data, crosscutting all the other technology layers.

Research lines

Smart Transducers & Instrumentation

New technologies for transducers, such as physical and chemical transducers, embedded systems for transducers, and intelligent systems for diagnosis based on physical and chemical transducers, among others, applied to Intelligent Sensing for Industry.

Software/Hardware Co-Design

Integrated solutions exploring software in the loop, hardware in the loop, embedded systems for the Internet of Things, microelectronics, photonics and Intelligent System Engineering, applied to Intelligent Sensing for Industry.


Intelligent solutions for system specification and design based on formal methods, probabilistic models, actors, model checkers/finders, and interoperability open standards, among others, applied to Intelligent Sensing for Industry.

AI & Big Data Analytics

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Knowledge Based Systems, and Genetic Algorithms, among other technologies, applied to Intelligent Sensing for Industry.


Your company can be part of VIRTUS-CC Technology Association, participating in research teams, with access to courses and trainings for your professionals, and more benefits. Fill the form below, and we’ll contact you to present our opportunities for associate companies. 




    Company Name


    Startup Name

